Federal Lawsuit Filed Challenging CA Department of Social Services’ Unconstitutional Cancelation of Church School from the Child Food Program

California Department of Social Services permanently cut off a faith-based learning center’s public funding to feed needy children due to their deeply held religious beliefs regarding human sexuality.

Advocates For Faith & Freedom Files Lawsuit Challenging California’s Transgender Sanctuary Bill

SB 107 allows minors to obtain gender transition procedures like harmful puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and irreversible surgeries without parental consent, while denying parents access to their child’s medical information.

California Doctors File Federal Lawsuit Over Unconstitutional Medical Censorship Law

AB 2098 declares that it will be deemed “unprofessional conduct” for doctors to advise their patients of any view that deviates from the official position of the State regarding COVID-19.

As COVID-19 Wanes, Goleta Water District Still Enforces a Costly and Discriminatory Vaccine Policy

This case challenges the Goleta Water District’s vaccine mandate that forces employees with religious exemptions to take an unpaid leave of absence or pay for bi-weekly COVID-19 tests which can cost up to $800 a month.

The Ninth Circuit Will Hear a Landmark Union Case Involving 20 Lifeguards

The Ninth Circuit Will Hear a Landmark Union Case Involving 20 Lifeguards

Over twenty lifeguards filed a lawsuit against their union, the California State Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) and the State of California for unlawfully conscripting them into union membership and forcing them to maintain membership for nearly four years.